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Still Being a Keto YOUTUBER!!!

Hi again world! (or whoever sees this). It’s been a few weeks since I have posted on here, but I did not want to leave it too long otherwise I would have lost motivation to come back to it.

I have still been posting to my YouTube channel which is growing very slowly, but still growing none the less! I am very EXCITED about this still and I have definitely found something I want to do everyday if I could!

I want to figure out EXACTLY what to do on this page, I think the best option that makes the most sense is have it as a parallel of whatever I have on that week on YouTube. Will slowly try and post the stuff I have missed that last few weeks! But I am STILL here and STILL going strong with Keto!

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1 Month on Keto Thoughts and Progress

Ok, so my life is definitely officially changed for the better for the next foreseeable years of my life. I was always going to make the very final decision about whether this was for me or not after that 1st month was down, and this is probably the easiest decision I have ever made.

I have not only lost pounds (8lbs) and inches, but I have most importantly lost BODY FAT, 7% body fat to be exact! In just 1 month of Keto, and this number just keeps growing! This is the most dramatic change in a short space of time that I have ever seen within myself without calorie restricting and over training! I have always used my body as an experiment with different diets to see what makes me  not only look the best but FEEL the best, feel the most effortless and something I actually feel passionate about! Just like a vegan is passionate about not eating animal  produce, I am just as passionate about eating FAT! I wish I had known about this way of life a lot earlier, but hey, everything has it’s time.

I have actually now decided that I am going to build a business around this, I will be starting a YouTube Chanel with weekly uploads, recipe videos, advice, Q & As etc etc, I will be turning this blog into more of a business blog/website and I will also be going on a nutrition course so that I can be certified in this. I have never been so excited to start anything in my life, it’s as if a fog has been lifted and I all of a sudden have a strong sense of direction and know EXACTLY where I need to be going. Now I’m under no illusion that this is going to be easy, but I am willing to work my absolute butt off to turn it into something. I have always wanted a career where I would be able to help people in one way or another, and I feel like this is it.

So watch this space in the coming months for developments and changes and better content etc, I still fully welcome any help, hints or tips!

Also as per the tradion I will still be posting pictures of my meals etc for the week.



Keto While Travelling!

IMG_20170715_140429Last week I traveled for work, and when I found out, I had a bit of a mini panic attack as it was only my 3rd week of being keto. But it could not have been better, I was able to eat out and enjoy some delicious food without cheating! And it really wasn’t even that hard to do in all honesty.

My main tip is to look at the menu before you pick a restaurant, so you do not get caught short and you can see what sort of staff they have to offer. I go one step further and decided what I’m going to have before I get there so I don’t overthink it. However even if you don’t do this, I found that most restaurants are/ can be keto friendly without even really trying or realizing that they are!

I even managed to lose a pound and another 1% of body fat that week, which I was absolutely buzzing with!!

Week 3 will be filled with me doing more experiments, I made ice-cream and tried fat head pizza among st a few other things, so watch this space!


Keto Experiments! Week 1 update. 

Some of my meals for the week. 

So this is my second week on keto, and I am currently writing this in my hotel room as I am travelling for work (so look out for that next blog post!), and so far so good! Absolutely loving it, it’s making me more creative and making me actually cook a lot more than I did before which I am thoroughly enjoying! 

In the first week I lost 4lbs (which I know will be mostly water weight), and also lost a whopping 5% of body fat!! 5 whole percent, I was so shocked that I quadruple checked and it was definitely correct! Also it took me about 5 days to have a large number of ketones, (I use urine strips to test!), so about 5 days for my body to get rid of all the stored carbs and glycogen in my body. I find I am also feeling full for VERY long periods of time, to the point were I eat to get a few more macros in rather than because I’m really thst hungry (I workout hard, lifting, hiits etc, so need to make sure I’m feeding my muscles), which is the best thing, I don’t snack at all as I really have no need to. 

So those were the positives… The negatives are that because of all the changes my body is going through, I am abit on the constipated side, which I never ver had issues with before, although this now does seem to be balancing itself out. I also have been feeling quite tired, and always feel like taking a nap. I know this will eventually pass though so just riding it out until I hit that energy sweet spot! 

I have already been experimenting with different keto recipes, also making up a few of my own along the way! These include some chocolate and coconut oil fat bombs, some keto desert mug cakes and just other random things here and there. If and when I get people reading this or interested I will be more than happy to share! 

So all in all a great start and week 1 is under my belt! Week 2 I am currently travelling with work, so have already been thrown into the difficulty of keto while travelling, however I will be recording and taking pictures of everything I eat, so the next blog post will be travel related! 

  • Keep watching this space. 

Day 1 Of Being KETO!

So the day has come, the day that I essentially give up carbs forever, yes that’r right, forever. See unlike fad diets, ketosis is a state that your body gets into, and to keep your body in that state you have to continue to eat in a way that promotes that.

So yesterday I had an emotional farewell to my beloved carbs! A final Chinese with rice AND noodles, and some breaded chicken too because why not.

I have already prepped my meals for today because it’s what I do (check out my instagram – flab2shred_prepper). On the menu today will be: meal 1 – some eggs fried in coconut oils, bacon and avocado. Meal 2 – slim noodles (0 carbs), and a homemade cheese sauce which I made using double cream, cream cheese and some mature cheese, also chucked in some mushrooms, this will be topped off with some spicy chicken.

So some of you might be wondering why I only have 2 meals, well I intermittent fast, I have been doing the 16/8 pattern, however I have decided to ramp it in my first month of Keto and take 2 hours out of that so now I will be fasting for 18 hours and have a 6 hour eating window. This is just my little experiment with myself to see if i can ramp up the speed at which my body goes into ketosis (and because I actually really enjoying fasting in all honesty).

I will be keeping weekly updates on here to help myself and anyone else who might be wondering what the keto diet is like.

Feel free to ask questions, give tips and all of the above! SO excited to now be a part of the keto community!